
Ockbrook Photographic Club Constitution

1. Name
The Club shall be called the Ockbrook Photographic Club.

2. Aim of the Club
The aim of the Club is to promote, encourage and facilitate interest and participation in
all aspects of photography with an emphasis on the image as well as the technical
aspects of photography. The club is a non competitive club.

3. Values of the Club
The club is a not for profit social club to generate interest, discussion and education in
all aspects of photography. The club has formal meetings on a monthly basis eleven
times a year.
Photographic walks, training sessions and residential photographic breaks will also be
organised. Members are encouraged to participate in these activities, support other club
members and provide constructive criticism, this must be polite and delivered
respectfully to the other club members.

4. Membership
Membership of the club is limited to 30 full members. Guests may attend meetings that
are deemed as open meetings. Membership is conditional on payment of the agreed
membership fee. Guests may be required to pay a fee on the night.

5. Annual General Meeting
An annual general meeting will be held by the end of the club season each year.

6. Committee
The committee shall consist of a minimum of 6 full members who will undertake the
following roles –
a) Chairperson
b) Vice Chairperson
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer

The committee will meet on a monthly basis and produce minutes of the meetings
which will be available to all club members. Any meeting must have a minimum of four
committee members to be deemed quorate.

7. Assets
A record of all club assets will be maintained and listed on the club website. A club asset
is any equipment purchased by the club using club funds or any equipment gifted to the
club and accepted by the committee.

8. Finance
All club members will be required to pay an annual membership fee which is to be paid
by the end of September each year. The Treasurer will produce an annual financial
statement that will be presented at the AGM. The annual membership fee shall be
recommended by the committee and agreed at the AGM. Club members will not receive
payment for any activity associated with the club but reasonable expenses will be paid
subject to prior agreement from the Treasurer and one other Committee Member.

9. Data Protection
As a condition of membership, all members will agree to the club retaining their name
and contact information. This will consist of email address and/or contact telephone
number. This information will be stored securely and only be available to committee
members for the purpose of communication with the membership on club related
business. It will not be given, sold or made available to any other party. If a club member
leaves, the information will be deleted within a calendar month. Access to the members
own information will be available following a written request to the Chair or Secretary.

10. Dissolution
The club may be dissolved following a recommendation by the committee and a two
thirds majority vote by the current membership. Any assets remaining will be donated
to charities as agreed by the committee.